Members are accountable for their conduct and that of their families and guests and are required to remain with their children and guests when on Club property
ATTIREMembers, their families and guests are expected to wear proper attire at all times while on Alpine property.
Jeans, cutoffs, warm-up suits, sweat suits, T-shirts and tank tops of any type, are not considered acceptable attire.
Jackets are required / ties optional for dining on Saturday evenings in both the Alpine and Tyrolean rooms. Coat and tie are required for any (Black tie optional) event.
On Sundays through Fridays, “Smart Casual” is required for dining in both the Alpine and Tyrolean rooms.
Smart Casual (jackets optional) is acceptable for dining on Saturday evenings in both the Alpine Room and the Tyrolean room, from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
Golf casual is acceptable at all times in the Grille Room.
Smoking is permitted in the locker rooms at any and all times.
Smoking is prohibited in the Card Room, Grille Room and Alpine Room until after 7:00 p.m. during Eastern Standard Time and until after 8:00 p.m. during Daylight Savings Time.
Smoking is prohibited in the Ballroom and Tyrolean Room.PARKING
Parking of vehicles shall be in the designated areas only.
Parking is prohibited directly in front of the members’ entrance, banquet entrance, the bag area, the roadway leading up to the Clubhouse and the loading zone at the rear of the building.
Parking is prohibited in the FIRE LANES
Please adhere to federal regulations concerning Handicap parking.
Due to member participation at our special events, all table reservations will be accepted on a "first come" basis with the Club logging date and time of reservation. The Club's ultimate goal is to meet your requests, however, the GM/COO and the staff are prohibited from providing seating that will violate Federal and State Fire and ADA regulations.
The member acting as the contact person for table seating at a special event is responsible for the accuracy of the information being provided to the Club.
Once a member has made a reservation for an upcoming special event, that member is required to provide the Club with a (48 hour) notice of cancellation or the member’s account will be charged accordingly. Should you have to cancel, you may have your dinners packaged to go, however, they can only be picked up on the night of the special event.
The $ 75.00 food and beverage minimum can be applied to the following special events:
All Holiday Buffets
All ( Regular ) Dine And Dances
Application of the minimum to other special events is prohibited.
Private individual member events must be paid in full by the day of the event.
Applying the cost of an individual member special event (weddings, holiday parties, etc.) to the member's Club account is PROHIBITED.
Members are PROHIBITED from charging any item to another member's account.
Members are strongly encouraged to sign their guest checks.
Federal and State Liquor Laws PROHIBIT individuals from either bringing alcoholic beverages, opened or closed, into the Alpine Clubhouse or removing them from the Alpine Clubhouse.
The doors separating the Grille Room and the Alpine Room shall remain closed except on Saturdays after 3:00 p.m. during Eastern Standard Time and after 5:00 p.m. during Daylight Savings Time. On Sundays and holidays, the doors shall remain closed at all times until after 3:00 p.m.
Members are not allowed to move furniture in the Tyrolean Room, Alpine Room, Grille Room or on the Patio. Please see the GM/COO for assistance.
Card playing is PROHIBITED in any location of the Club with the exception of the card and locker rooms.
Only personnel authorized by the General Manager/Chief Operating Officer will be allowed to enter the kitchen or go beyond the office reception area.
Children under the age of 14 years are not permitted in the locker room or to use the excercise equipment or pool table.
Proper Protocol for Grievances
The Alpine Country Club house rules were established to ensure the safety of our members and adhere to the values upon which the Alpine was founded. All grievances relating to the Clubhouse must be in writing, signed and submitted to the House Committee Chairman.
Recommended by the 2004 Alpine House Committee
Approved by the 2004 Board of Directors.